I think this is the most amazing hair for me I've found in a long time. I fall in love with alot of hair, but not very much of it suits me. This hair is just fantastic and I'm in LOVE with this skirt. I credit Vintage McMillan for this skirt, because she was wearing it first. We parted ways from Fri.day, her heading for a demo for my skin and me running for her skirt :p Fun times!
Hair: fri. - Deena - Scornful Red
Skirt: (Madsy) Peplum skirt - green
Glasses: Gritty Kitty: Prehistoric Glasses [b]
Skin: :: DUTCH TOUCH ::DUNe:: Caramel - PeachyLips EBB
Tats: [Kd] Ink (my shop)
Necklace: (NS) Rock'n'Rolla Chain
Bracelet: * (NS) Rock'n'Rolla Wrist Strap
Shoes:N-core STYLUS XtremeHeel Black
Top: (part of) [Plastik]-Boudoir-Morocca
Top: (part of) [Plastik]-Boudoir-Morocca
Lip ring:* [DIAPOP] * !skullie lips!
Hope ya likey!
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